Friday, October 10, 2008

Beware Of This Spider (Brown Recluse Spider)

Brown Recluse Spider
(Loxoceles Reclusa)

Brown Recluse Spider, common name for a small brownish spider found mainly in the central and southern United States. Also known as the violin spider, it is characterized by a distinct violin-shaped patch on its cephalothorax (head and midregion). Except for the black widow spider and certain related species, the brown recluse spider is the only United States spider whose bite can be dangerous to humans. The brown recluse spider is about 1 cm (about 0.4 in) long and has six eyes. It spins a sheet web that may be found in secluded areas among rocks or in houses. The bite causes a long-lasting sore that involves tissue death, and severe reactions to it may become life-threatening. The spider may live more than ten years. Other species related to the brown recluse spider occur in the Mediterranean area, in Africa, and in most countries of the Americas.

Recluse spiders build irregular webs that frequently include a shelter consisting of disorderly threads. These spiders frequently build their webs in woodpiles and sheds, closets, garages, plenum, cellars and other places that are dry and generally undisturbed. They seem to favor cardboard when dwelling in human residences, possibly because it mimics the rotting tree bark which they inhabit naturally. They also tend to be found in shoes, inside dressers, in bed sheets of infrequently used beds, in stacks of clothes, behind baseboards, behind pictures and near furnaces. The common source of human-recluse contact is during the cleaning of these spaces, when their isolated spaces are suddenly disturbed and the spider feels threatened. Unlike most web weavers, they leave these webs at night to hunt. Males will move around more when hunting with the female spiders tending to remain nearer to their webs.

Effect Of The Spider Bite To Human

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